Posts Tagged ‘motivation’

odd sources of motivation.

February 18, 2010

I was listening to the radio this morning, Wired 96.5- Philly’s Best Radio station (or whatever) and they do this very entertaining segment called stupid news. So one of today’s Stupid New Stories was about an Olympic skier who won the silver medal for some skiing event that also included shooting things (the winter Olympics baffles me. curling. really?) So here comes the “odd motivation” part: the guy had a really bad case of diarrhea. I imagine having a really bad case of “the poos” on a world stage will certainly motivate one to ski faster and shoot better. He only missed 2 targets.

Another source of odd motivation:
Ever have that dream that’s too real? The one you wake up from hoping to GOD that wasn’t real? So I had this dream that I was living out of my old car. Sleeping there every night with other vagabonds and homeless people occupying the surrounding area. In real life, this vehicle was broken into on Christmas Eve. Nothing was stolen, so we assumed someone broke in to sleep there. Back to the dream, I was terrified to actually close my eyes because I thought all the other homeless people would covet my vehicle and perhaps evict me from it. So that went on for a while and then my grandparents (all of them at once and quite suddenly) appeared to ask me to give them a ride.

I’m sure if I read into this the analysis would be that my subconscious is trying to tell me that I have a fear of failing and letting my ancestors down. Or something like that. Superficially, that dream motivates me not to be living out of my car one day.